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12 Tactics of Hidden Emotional & Psychological Abuse

Written by Jenn Nestler Emotional and psychological abuse can often go undetected for long periods of time, as it often comes across in ways that are not obvious and can even seem coincidental or accidental. This form of abuse is usually hidden from everyone,...

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25 Signs of Spiritual Abuse

Written by Jill Monico I don't like writing this kind of post. It's so sad to me that we have to even describe what spiritual abuse looks like. When I first started serving in vocational ministry I always messed up (or so I thought). So many times I thought I wasn't...

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How to Pray When You’re Triggered

Written by Jill Monico   I recently sent an email about how to respond when you're triggered to my email list as part of a FREEDOM DEVOTIONAL. I write as often as God leads me. I've received so many messages about how it helped people that I thought I'd make it a...

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It’s Just a Hand, What’s so Bad About That?

Written by Dawn Weaver There is no doubt that pornography has become a pervasive influence in our culture. This multi-billion dollar industry is aggressively making inroads into our society at an alarming rate. You no longer have to look for porn; it is looking for...

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How Should the Church Respond to Abusers?

Written by Dr. Diane Langberg, Ph.D There has been much discussion about what a church should do when confronted with an abuser in its midst. Such a question cannot begin to be adequately or wisely answered unless we first grasp the truth of what it means to be an...

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  1. Helpline
  2. Victim Support Groups
  3. Intercession for Victims and Families
  4. Support Teams for Victims
  5. Counselors, Therapists, Healing and Deliverance
  6. Victim Resources
  7. Legal Counsel
  8. Awareness
  9. Production and Distribution of Media
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