Recommended Counselors

The counselors and therapists who are listed here are trained to work with those who have experienced trauma, sexual abuse, and/or spiritual abuse. They may not be located in your area, but they are available to work with you via Skype, Zoom, or other platforms.

These therapists have different pricing and some may have sliding scales. To receive their Voice4Victims rate, please let them know you have been referred by V4V when you contact them.

Rev Ruth Hendrickson
Ruth Hendrickson Ministries
Specializes in treating inner healing, trauma, & deliverance
(Also available for training)
[email protected]

Diane Langberg, Ph.D.
Specializes in treating trauma & spiritual abuse
(Also offers training)
[email protected]
215-885-1835 x100

Freedom Coaching at Jill Monaco Ministries
Trauma & Spiritual Abuse (Offers training)
[email protected]

Wendy Noll
Trauma & Addiction Counselor (Canada)

Untethered Ministries
Untethered Ministries provides resources that lead those overcoming sexual abuse, exploitation or trafficking into their true identity discovery. We do this through community, retreats, outreach and survivor-led advocacy.

Esther Company
Jennifer Nestler – Jake & Anna Kail
A place for women to awaken, find clarity & be empowered

Rev. Chris Albe, Chaplain
Chaplain: Warrior Family Ministries
Spiritual Abuse & Inner Healing
Mashah Trained (Emotional Healing/Deliverance)
[email protected]

Mary Whitman-Ortiz, MA, CLC
[email protected]

Mayra Duarte
Inner Healing & Trauma
[email protected]
(951) 212-5724

Pastors Jake and Anna Kail
Pastoral Counseling
Spiritual Abuse/Inner Healing/Deliverance
[email protected]

Our program NSAGirls provides one on one advocacy, long-term case management, trauma-informed counseling services, aftercare programs, meeting basic needs and more.


If you would like to bring someone into your church to train your staff and congregation in how to recognize and address reported abuse in the church or how to minister healing to those abused, we have excellent referrals!

Please email [email protected].

Support Voice4Victims

Please help us help victims of sexual, spiritual, domestic and physical abuse in the church through the following services:


  1. Helpline
  2. Victim Support Groups
  3. Intercession for Victims and Families
  4. Support Teams for Victims
  5. Counselors, Therapists, Healing and Deliverance
  6. Victim Resources
  7. Legal Counsel
  8. Awareness
  9. Production and Distribution of Media
  10. Resource Development

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